SteaKnight: Sixteenth Knight, 10.18.2007
The battle over the Low End night on 10/18 began in a tangled exchange of emails as all Knights had to weigh in on a Sizzler vs. Lucky Penny debate. There are few things that the Knights despise more (besides texting at the table) than leaving the jewel of San Francisco to indulge in their monthly gathering. It's clear that our beloved President HEB has a special place in his heart for Le Sizzler which lies in Daly City. It might as well be in the Hebrides considering the disdain and venomous bile upon with which the suggestion was viewed. And thus, the eternal battle of San Francisco SteaKnight continued, with HEB promoting a visit to Sizzler yet going down in flaming glory. Surely he is reserving some fight for the future so he can continue to resist a Knightly visit to CheeseSteak. Turbo claimed that the Penny was a diner that happens to serve steak in an attempt to position CheeseSteak as a future selection. However, ATG invoked a Google StreetView to prove that the sign did indeed say "Steak House". Surely we haven't seen the last of the Sizzler vs. CheeseSteak battle.
But the Knights had (mostly) agreed on the Lucky Penny this month. And they were off!
As the Knights trickled into the restaurant they were seated in a far corner but somewhat in view of the playoff game between the Red Sox v. Indians. This was essential for Turbo, being the die hard Sox fan that he is. The waitress proved to be quite a treat, brandishing admonishments on all attendees but mostly HEB and JB. However, she let out a noticable groan when MP ordered sourdough bread with his meal. After JB's order (which he placed while concurrently being verbally slammed from the top turnbuckle) he did give the waitress a streetwise knuckle pound as she gestured for him to give her the menu. This is the first and hopefully not the last Knight/server knuckle pound we will see during our monthly gatherings.
Other talking points were:
- ATG reiterated the rule of no texting at the table. It's not because it's not safe, it's just because we don't want it.
- JB has not done a dangerous backslide with his former inamorata. This is highly commendable!
- MPH loves kickball and has just joined another league
- ATG and STB "rocked OH" with ATG's sister and STB's wife, who happens to be the same person
- MP is lactose intolerant, which surprised precisely no one
- Turbo did an impression of himself doing Borat, which was an interesting turn on an old favorite of the group
- ATG was in Philly and forgot to drink Yuengling. It was 7 in the morning but this is still no excuse for missing out on sampling this fine, regionally exclusive nectar
- STB and AZ discussed how being a pediatrician is the anti-strip club. An explanation is in order. While carrying out the duties of a pediatrician, it makes you not want to have children for all of the exposure to sick, "exploding at both ends" tots. As a result, having children of one's own may become a less desireable goal. However, while visiting a strip club, one is exposed to only the good side of women, creating a more desireable goal than might be the case, if, for example, one were to discuss the situation in the Middle East with any given gentlemen's club entertainer
- STB described the rules in his household as "Welcome to Bolognaville". The interpretation of this statement was up for debate.
Those brave enough to order steaks were far from rewarded. In fact, it appeared that the steaks were prepared with a bit of spite as no cut of meat could possible achieve this level of despair on its own. The Knights had ordered some quite delectable appetizers...jalapeƱo poppers and mozzarella sticks (among others) so that held over those disappointed by their steak ordering outcome. Most Knights ordered dessert and were able to select from a host of shakes and pies. It was a very enjoyable low end evening and our server was most certainly the highlight. Although HEB's loaner car, covered in hearts, did give the server a run for the crown. As is becoming SteaKnight tradition, some Knights cruised over to the Pig and Whistle for a nightcap before heading their separate ways.
Total bill: $231.93
JB (twelfth Knight)
MPH (twelfth Knight)
MP (fourth Knight)
AZ (second Knight)
Total bill: $231.93
HEB (fifteenth Knight)
STB (fourteenth Knight)
ATG (fourteenth Knight)
RMD (thirteenth Knight)
Turbo (thirteenth Knight)RMD (thirteenth Knight)
JB (twelfth Knight)
MPH (twelfth Knight)
MP (fourth Knight)
AZ (second Knight)
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