SteaKnight Date and Location provokes a topsy-turvy affair
As the Knights return to the high end of SteaKnight for the sixth gathering, the scheduling has proven to be one of the most controversial yet. It all began with our esteemed president and founder sending out an utterly baffling email that had two different dates. The first was the date of the email (1.4.2007) and the second date was for 1.18.2007, the third Thursday of the month, the date on which SteaKnight was normally held. If the gates of the Internets could be rent asunder by sheer volume and passion it surely would've fallen on this date. Was SteaKnight to start in 5 hours two weeks early or was it to be on the normal date? The quandary is obvious; the solution not so much. After a baker's dozen worth of emails our president stepped in to clear the fog. SteaKnight was not to occur in 5 hours with no prior notice. It was, in fact, to be held on its normal night...1.18.2007.
But that was not to be the only controversy enveloping this SteaKnight. JM brought it to the attention of the group that January is "Dine about Town" month in our esteemed city. The attraction is that one can get an appetizer, main course and dessert for the all-too-reasonable price of ~$30. While our original location, Morton's, was not sponsoring the promotion, it appeared that Ruth's Chris Steakhouse was. Being that Ruth's Chris was also on our list of future visits, it seemed too good of a deal to pass up and in true diplomatic fashion the general consensus was quickly established that the venue should be changed!
The boys should be lauded for avoiding this near meltdown in process as they eagerly anticipate yet another high-end evening as a group.
May I ask who the president is?
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